Universities Education
There are 42 universities of the University character in our country. Each of them can be qualified to one of the groups: universities, technical universities and adjective universities. Generic names that do not provide much information. We can call the university a university whose administrative units have the right to confer a doctoral degree in at least ten disciplines in the fields of humanities, legal and / or economics. A technical university is an entity that meets the same conditions in mathematical, physical, earth sciences or technical fields. Adjective university is a term that describes the more grammatical nature of the name than the academic activities of the individual. Examples of such universities are: the University of Life Sciences in Lublin or the University of Economics in Poznan. The oldest university in Poland is the Jagiellonian University, it is also one of the most recognizable universities. Its graduates join the circles of the largest institutions dealing with law, economics and medicine. Among the most popular universities, the University of Warsaw is also unchanging at the forefront, where I study about 53 thousand students a year. The next places are occupied by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the University of Wrocław and the Medical University of Warsaw.
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